Monday, 20 February 2012

{looking} after your best assets....your boobs !

Before I became a professional bra stylist a little over 4 years ago, I used to hate going into department stores to shop for bras ! You would NOT find me in the dressing rooms to try on the bras either !! The only time I have ever had a bra fitting was for my wedding {in 2000} and even though the lady in Bras n Things was lovely, I felt very self conscious about my body and my boobs {or lack of !} and I was NOT a big girl then {like I feel I am now !}.

But now I view things very differently about bra fittings, because I am so very aware of how we should be looking after our boobs. The damage you can do to your boobs by wearing ill-fitting bras is shocking to me ! Our boobs are only made up of tissue and fat, no muscle {forget the "I must, I must, I must, improve my bust" chant !}, so wearing the correct size bra is imperative, if you want to keep your boobs looking perky and fabulous ! Afterall, PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE !

So in saying this, I must admit that my boobs have seen better days. Four children later and they really have seen better days !! Before you start over-thinking things, it is NEVER too late to start wearing a well fitted bra. You can prevent any further damage by having a bra fitting and purchasing bras designed to fit you and for any purpose you require, ie, sports bra, t-shirt bra etc...

Once you have your new bra wardrobe it is also important to know how to care for your bras so they last the distance. Good quality, well designed bras {such as Intimo} should last you approx. 6 months. Wearing your bras for 2 days in a row is suffice as any longer than this will cause breakdown of the natural fibres, due to your body's sweat/oils. Sounds disgusting doesn't it?!! Washing your bras should be done in a lingerie bag on a handwash cycle, and hang them to dry {do not put in dryer, as the heat will damage the elastane} via the middle of the bra {which sits between your boobs}. This will allow any water to drip away evenly and your bra will not stretch unevenly.

Storing your bras is vitally important also. How do you keep your bras stored? I used to be the "push and shove" into my lingerie drawer kinda gal !! But no longer do I abuse my beautiful and stylish bras !

I am attaching a photo so you can see the proper way of storing your bras, so they don't lose shape, or become punctured by any underwire !

As you can see, bras should be stacked neatly, cup in cup. This is so important !!

So what does having a bra fitting and well fitting bras have to do with styling?? EVERYTHING !!

Your body can look elongated and slimmer just by wearing a bra which fits you perfectly. It shapes you and your outer garments will sit how they are supposed too. No more "heading south" boobs ! It's all up and out in front for your best assets !! Notice the difference with this lady below....HUGE difference !!


It can certainly be the difference between a frumpy you or a slimmer you !! x

{you can see me for more information regarding bra fittings and stylish & sophisticated bra purchasing}

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